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We Want you Back, Why?

Take advantage of the Home Depot PRO Progam- Exclusive to NARI members, provides cash back on purchases.  Many of our members find that this program pays for their membership!

Additional Benefits:

  • Enrich your knowledge with educational opportunities and certifications.
  • Compete for NARI’s prestigious Contractor of the Year Awards, which gains your company credibility in the marketplace.
  • Increase your company’s recognition through use of the NARI logo.
  • Network locally with other remodeling companies and vendors to help lower your bottom line.

Check Us Out Again, Why?

It's free to attend our next meeting:

Nationally Recognized Guest Speaker

Kyle Hunt
Remodelers On The Rise


Special Time: 5pm - TWO Sessions

Have Questions?

Contact our President, Tom Hawks

Email Tom

Call Tom: 610-500-4440

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